Dear ALPS users and developers,
I am a beginner of ALPS and English writing. I am studying Kondo lattice model with alps dmrg application for python. I tried to calculate correlation functions <S(i)S(j)> between local spins using 'Kondo lattice' model and '2 band open chain lattice' ,which are in alps lib and I didn't change anything. And I used the following parameter file:
parms = [ { 'LATTICE' : '2 band open chain lattice', 'MODEL' : 'Kondo lattice', 'local_S' :0.5, 't' : 1, 'J' : 1, 'SWEEPS' : 4, 'NUMBER_EIGENVALUES' : 1, 'L' : 32, 'MAXSTATES' : 300, 'MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Momentumup]' :'cdag_up:c_up', 'MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Momentumdown]' :'cdag_down:c_down', 'MEASURE_AVERAGE[Magnetization]' : 'Sz', 'MEASURE_AVERAGE[Exchange]' : 'exchange', 'MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization]' : 'Sz', 'MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Diagonal spin correlations]' : 'Sz', 'MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Offdiagonal spin correlations]' : 'Splus: Sminus' } ]
However, dmrg doesn't run and returned the error "Cannot evaluate expression c_down(j)". This might be a foolish question, but I have no idea. So, could you give me some advice? Any advice will help me.
Best regards, Riku Masui