On 15 Dec 2013, at 01:38, Ionel Bogdan Guster s6iogust@uni-bonn.de wrote:
Yes, but not the very final ones. For example, let's take the energy. As far as my knowledge, the output for every energy value is an average generated by means of simulating. and I would like to extract the data that is giving this average final value. These simulated values for the energy, if I'm not wrong, will be generated with a certain distribution(e.g. Gaussian), and, probably, somewhere ALPS is storing at least temporary these values(no of bins, width, value for every bin and so on) for calculating the final values for the energy( the ones that I can actually see in the xml files) and the other output that one wants. Maybe I got the idea on how ALPS is running wrong. If it's only a modification in the parameters file, I can't do that on the work computer( read-only files and I don't have administrative rights for that). The point is that I am trying to understand how these simulations work, that's why I am trying to get to know what a simulation does from the very beginning. Thank you!
Hi Bogdan,
In a MC simulation one does not record a histogram, but to, e.g. get the mean value you just need to keep the sum of all measurements and the number of measurements and then divide the two.
Matthias Troyer