That's what I was expecting!
But If I run a very simple calculation using the parameter file:
LATTICE_LIBRARY="/usr/local/lib/xml/lattices.xml" LATTICE="open chain lattice" MODEL="spin" local_S=1/2 J=1 L=3 THERMALIZATION=1500 MEASURE[Correlations]=true; SWEEPS=100 REPRESENTATION="path integral" {T=0.01;}
Measuring the Energy for several number of SWEEPS, I obtained after extract the results with extracttext:
#SWEEPS= 100 0.01 -1.000121 0.000784 #SWEEPS= 400 0.01 -1.00235 0.00344 #SWEEPS= 1600 0.01 -1.000065 0.00067 #SWEEPS= 6400 0.01 -0.999543 0.000744 #SWEEPS= 25600 0.01 -1.000038 0.000762 #SWEEPS= 102400 0.01 -1.000819 0.000497
The same thing happened with SSE representation... The error bars are not decreasing...
Please check in the output of the measurements how many measurements were actually done. For such a tiny lattice there are probably many many more sweeps done in the minimum time of the run than you specified.