Hi Kevin,
It does make sense to use 4 processes even on a single simulation, to collect more information. Can you please send the result files so that we can try to reproduce the error you observed when loading data?
On Aug 17, 2012, at 1:49 AM, Kevin Slagle kjslag@gmail.com wrote:
When I run the attached python file, the simulation runs way too fast (ie it isn't running correctly) and then crashes at the pyalps.loadMeasurements function since the data output isn't valid. The cause seems to be the MPI=4 parameter in the pyalps.runApplication function. I realize that MPI=4 is silly for running over only one set of parameters (eg different temperatures). However, I have similar issues when I run over multiple parameters.
Any ideas what I need to do to fix this? Or is this a reproducible bug (seems unlikely..)?
my system: cpu = 64bit Ivy Bridge i7 distro = Arch Linux (packages up to date)
$ ./Heisenburg.py mpirun -np 4 dirloop_sse --mpi Heisenburg.in.xml --Tmin 1 Quantum Monte Carlo simulations using the SSE algorithm v. 4.1.1 available from http://alps.comp-phys.org/ copyright (c) 2003-2010 by Sergei Isakov isakov@itp.phys.ethz.ch
using the ALPS parallelizing scheduler copyright (c) 1994-2006 by Matthias Troyer troyer@comp-phys.org. see Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1505, p. 191 (1998).
based on the ALPS libraries version 2.1.1 available from http://alps.comp-phys.org/ copyright (c) 1994-2012 by the ALPS collaboration. Consult the web page for license details. For details see the publication: B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
parsing task files ... Creating a new simulation: 1 on 4 processes Created run 1 locally Created run 2 remote on Host ID: 1 Created run 3 remote on Host ID: 2 Created run 4 remote on Host ID: 3 All processes have been assigned Checking if Simulation 1 is finished: not yet, next check in 1 seconds ( 0% done). Checking if Simulation 1 is finished: not yet, next check in 1 seconds ( 58% done). NUMBER_OF_WORMS_PER_SWEEP: 9 NUMBER_OF_WORMS_PER_SWEEP: 9 NUMBER_OF_WORMS_PER_SWEEP: 9 NUMBER_OF_WORMS_PER_SWEEP: 9 Checking if Simulation 1 is finished: Finished Halted Simulation 1 Checkpointing Simulation 1 Finished with all tasks. loading measurements: Floating point exception
thanks! Kevin