On May 20, 2011, at 2:03 AM, rosales@fisica.unlp.edu.ar wrote:
Dear Matthias Troyer,
Thank you very much for the answers. About the last answer,
- It is possible to compute the static magnetic structure factor?
S(q)=Sum_{ij} <S_i.S_j> Exp(i*q(ri-rj)) or
- It is possible to compute the average of correlations <S_i.S_j> ? if
not, there is possibility to include now such terms?
This can easily be added.
I know which files I have to modify in the quantum case (models.xml), but in the classical MC I don't know.
- Could you tell me which file I have to modify? After do that I think I
have to run again ./configure, it is correct?
- Is there an example in the ALPS-web page about that? because I didn't
find any.
The source code will have to be added, which I can do when I find a few hours - maybe I can do it next week.