Dear all,
We were trying to test ALPS project using 1D Hard-core Bose-Hubbard model, my commands are following:
LATTICE="chain lattice"; L=100; MODEL_LIBRARY="/u/cm/carrasqu/ALPS/lib/xml/models.xml"; MODEL="hardcore boson"; t=1; mu=0 T = 0.01; SWEEPS=100000; THERMALIZATION=5000; EPSILON=0.25 {T=0.05} {T=0.04} {T=0.03} {T=0.02} {T=0.01} {T=0.005} {T=0.003} {T=0.002} {T=0.001}
At the end, we got the correct ground state energy and charge density, but the stiffness which is 0.00638 at T=0.001 is much smaller than the theoretical estimated value 0.315 at T=0. Is it because the number of sites is too small for this problem ? Or something else? Thank you in advance.
Best wishes, Xiaoquan
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