OK. Here's my python script: ---------------------------------------- import pyalps parms = [ { 'LATTICE' : "2 band sublattice open chain lattice", 'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard", 'CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS' : 'N', 'T' : 0, 't0' : 5, 't1' : 1, 'SWEEPS' : 30, 'NUMBER_EIGENVALUES' : 1, 'L' : 4, 'Nmax' : 1, 'MAXSTATES' : 300, 'N_total' : 2, 'MEASURE_LOCAL[n]' : 'n' } ] input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('ssh',parms) res = pyalps.runApplication('dmrg',input_file,writexml=True) ----------------------------------------- p.s. Since t' is a string literal, I changed it to t1. And I made the same change in my Model XML File. So it doesn't matter. (I used the command line until you taught me to check the lattice. And t' is supported in the command line tool. Now I can run the simulations using python.) Is there anything wrong in the python script?