I don't think that anyone has implemented it.
On Nov 28, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Synge Todo wistaria@comp-phys.org wrote:
Dear ALPS Developers,
Can anyone tell him how to measure the string order parameter in the ALPS exact diagonalization code, or in the ALPS DMRG code?
Best, Synge
Begin forwarded message:
差出人(再送): wistaria@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 差出人: hamid mosadegh hamid.mosadegh@gmail.com 件名: Re: string order parameter in ALPS 日時: 2012年11月27日 14:30:20 JST 宛先: Synge Todo wistaria@comp-phys.org
Dear Professor Todo
Do you know any codes or libraries to evaluate string order for fermion Hubbard. If there is any code, I think i must write it myself. Is it possible to access to eigenvectors calculated using ALPS. If I have these eigenvectors, i can evaluate string order.
Thanks for attentions and good answers.