Hi Lufti R,
to get started with the ALPS dmft code you should first run the tutorials and play a bit with them.
I am a student Ph.D from Indonesia, and I interest to dmft tools in ALPS.
- How to plot DOS from dmft result?
you will need to analytically continue these data to get a spectral function on the real axis. There is a program called 'maxent' that does maximum entropy analytic continuation, it is part of the ALPS tools.
- I can not read (access) about Common hardcoded measurements and
The tools in alps web page, how do I acces it?
I don't understand what it is you need. If you're interested in the Green's functions, these are written out into text files G_tau_1, G_tau_2... after each iteration.
- How can I know data results from dmft simulations in file.h5?
you can look at the raw data in the hdf5 files by using any hdf5 tool (h5ls, h5dump, etc) or by using a python tool like h5py. We also have c++ interfaces to access hdf5 data. What do you need? Which observables do you need to access?
Best regards, Emanuel