Dear Alps users
I am completely new to using Alps; I have just tried to run some tutorials
from the wiki page using python. However, even that proved to be more
difficult than expected.
My problem is that the output file(s) from the simulation seem to be empty.
I succeed in setting up the tutorial and it starts running, but crashes
quickly. The problem comes when running See error message
Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 5 seconds ( 26% done).
Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 5 seconds ( 0% done).
Halted Simulation 1
HDF5 error: -1
#0 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5D.c line 145 in
H5Dcreate2(): unable to create dataset
#1 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5Dint.c line 490 in
H5D__create_named(): unable to create and link to dataset
#2 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5L.c line 1695 in
H5L_link_object(): unable to create new link to object
#3 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5L.c line 1939 in
H5L_create_real(): can't insert link
#4 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5Gtraverse.c line
867 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
#5 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5Gtraverse.c line
639 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
#6 C:\bld\hdf5_1519266479706\work\hdf5-1.10.1\src\H5L.c line 1731 in
H5L_link_cb(): name already exists
In ..\..\..\src\alps\hdf5\archive.cpp on 133 in
alps::hdf5::detail::resource<&int __cdecl
Loading results from the files: ['.\\parm1.task1.out.h5']
The files contain the following mesurements: [['(beta * Energy)^2 / N',
'Bond-type Energy']]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 66, in <module>
plotdata = pyalps.collectXY(data,'T','|Magnetization|')
"C:\Users\gogog\anaconda3\envs\py2\lib\site-packages\pyalps\", line
604, in collectXY
if iset.props['observable'] != y and not y in iset.props:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'props'
I also tried running, a simulation of the susceptibility of a
quantum spin chain. The program runs (very quickly) and then plots an empty
graph - again the problem is that the output file "parm2c.out.xml" is
completely empty.
I hope some of you can pinpoint the problem and help me run these tutorials
Kind regards,
Rasmus Tang
University of Copenhagen