Dear alps users and developers,
Lately I have been exploring the behavior of the Potts model for a small
classic system (square lattice) but I have a doubt about the results I get.
As a method of checking I am using my own Monte Carlo and I find that there
are differences with respect to what the ALPS give me. For example, the
energy of the system at high temperatures should tend to zero due to the
disorder caused by the thermal energy, result that I get with my Monte
Carlo and approximate methods of the partition function, however, with the
ALPS I obtain a stabilization of energy around negative values far away by
several units from the zero and a different behavior in terms of the energy
evolution (shape of the curve).
I would like to know what kind of states are considered for the Potts model
q = 3, q = 4 and what could be causing these differents results that I am
Thank you very much