Thanks for all the previous help. What I've done so far is measuring
correlation functions using site opertors, now I'm dealing with bond
operators. For mps_optim, it seems that i can only measure correlations
between single-term bond operators. For example:
op1 = c_dagup(x)* c_up(y)
op2 = c_dagdown(x)*c_down(y)
and I can do MEASURE_HALF_CORRELATIONS['op_corr'] = op1:op2. From the
results, it seems that it returns
x = [i, i+1, j, j+1], y = some value
I am dealing with a 10 site chain, but i only got results (for i=0) j=
2,...,8. How can i calculate the same correlation functions for j = 0, 1,
and 9?