Dear ALPS users,
I am trying to run a very simple worm simulation with disorder
(site-dependent 'mu') for the Bose-Hubbard model using a Python script.
If I simply translate a working parameter file (obtained from the ALPS
website) into the below Python code, 'random()' is unrecognized (which
is not so for the parameter file where the simulation goes through).
But if I include 'import random' at the beginning of the Python script
then the simulation does go through but a different model gets simulated
(i.e. a random 'mu' but equal for all sites).
I was wondering, should not the below Python script translated directly
from a similar working parameter file run as is for the desired model?
import pyalps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyalps.plot
#prepare the input parameters
parms = []
for DISORDERSEED in [34275, 49802, 82529]:
'LATTICE' : "inhomogeneous square lattice periodic",
'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard",
'T' : 0.1,
'L' : 4 ,
't' : 1.0 ,
'mu' : 5.0*2*(random()-0.5),
'U' : 1.0 ,
'NONLOCAL' : 0 ,
'Nmax' : 2 ,
'SWEEPS' : 5000