Dear All,
I'm using DMRG (bose-hubbard) with complex tunneling amplitudes, the
hamiltonian being hermitian, of course. The results in simple situation is
reasonable, i.e. the energy and local density are invariant by local U(1)
transformation. In addition, I am measuring the ODLRO, i.e. I have the
following line in the input file:
However, the results are always real numbers, whereas I would expect
complex numbers. Do they correspond to the real part of the correlation
function? Is there a way to get the imaginary part? thank you for you help.
my version of alps is: alps-2.1.1-r6176
Benoît Grémaud
Researcher at CNRS, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France)
Visiting Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (NUS,