Dear Mr. Troyer,
I have another problem with a graph, which consists of 32 sites.
fulldiag works perfectly with smaller graphs (8 and 18 sites) but won't
with 32-sites one. I tried it under linux (command line, Vistrails) and
Windows(Vistrails). There is no error, but it can't diagonalize it (time
of diagonalizing is longer than several hours; I had to interrupt the
process). Note, that I'm taking {N_total=1; Sz_total=1/2;}, and it's
hard to believe, that it can take hours and hours to diagonalize it.
The lattice, model, and tasks files are attached.
Please, let me know what can be wrong. Probably, there is a limitation
for big lattice size?
Thank you in advance,
Volodymyr Derzhko