[ALPS-users] structure factor of lattice containing multi-sites in one unit cell

郭怀明 hmguo at buaa.edu.cn
Tue Jun 13 14:33:59 CEST 2017

Dear all,
 Recently I use SSE QMC to perform a calculation of Bose-Hubbard model. The lattice I consider is basically a square lattice, but I use a plaquette containing four sites as a unit cell. I want to use structure factor to characterize possible CDW charge order. On normal square lattice, the momentum (\pi,\pi) can be chosen. However for the unit cell I chosen,how can I characterize the same CDW order? A similar case is Bose-Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice, what momentum is chosen for characterizing a CDW with staggered occupying the two inequivalent sites? Thank you very much!

Huaiming Guo
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