[ALPS-users] execution time of example/parapack/exchange

Dominik Schildknecht dominik.schildknecht at psi.ch
Tue May 16 10:48:28 CEST 2017

Dear all,

I was testing your example in example/parapack/exchange with the
exchange.ip modified to only test the ising case, however with more
sweeps, to test the time spent.

I know that the parallel_exchange_worker gets called (visible via the
line "EXMC: number of replicas on each process = 2 2", which will only
be outputted by the parallel_exchange_worker). I would by this output
assume that different replicas get distributed over the cores,.

The time spent in the simulation however stays the same irrespective of
the number of processes I provide to MPI or not even call the MPI
library at all.

I call the function in the following way:

    mpirun -np 2 ./exchange --mpi < exchange.ip


    ./exchange < exchange.ip

Do I miss an important argument in the input file / command line
argument, that prevents the parallel execution of replicas?


Paul Scherrer Institut
Dominik Schildknecht
PhD Student
CH-5232 Villigen-PSI
Phone: +41 56 310 55 68

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