Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Paul Chaikin
Department of Physics, New York University, USA
who will talk about
Classical Wigner Crystals on Flat and Curved Surfaces,
Topological Defects, "Pleats" and Particle Fractionalization
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Laura Greene
Department of Physics, University of Illinois, USA
who will talk about
High-Temperature Superconductivity:
Taming Serendipity
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Dwayne Miller
Max Planck Group for Atomically Resolved Dynamics, Germany
who will talk about
Making The Molecular Movie:
First Frames… With Regae Music
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
David DiVincenzo
Forschungszentrum Juelich and RWTH Aachen, Germany
who will talk about
Prospects for Superconducting Qubits
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Linda Tacconi
Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany
who will talk about
Gas Dynamics, Galaxy
Assembly and Star Formation
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Am 21./22.06.2012 findet an der ETH Zürich - Standort Hönggerberg (Campus Science City)
die Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft statt,
In diesem Rahmen finden insbesondere zwei öffentliche Vorlesungen statt:
1) Sprecher: Samuel C. C. Ting, CERN & MIT
Titel: "Space-bome Cosmic Ray Detectors"
Ort/Zeit: HPH G1 am Donnerstag, 21.06.2012 um 19:00
2) Sprecher: Gebhard F. X. Schertler, ETH Zürich & PSI Villigen
Titel: "Ultrafast Biology"
Ort/Zeit: HPH G2 am Freitag, 22.06.2012 um 12:15
Freundliche Grüsse
Kirch Klaus Stefan
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Silke Ospelkaus
Institut für Quantenoptik,
Universität Hannover, Germany
who will talk about
Ultracold Polar Molecules
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Dan Shahar
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
who will talk about
An Insulating Superconductor
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Dear students, dear colleagues
The tomorrow's colloquium has been canceled.
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for today's colloquium by
Hans Briegel
Institute for Theoretical Physics,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
who will talk about
Quantum Physics, Computation,
and Biology
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling