Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Valery Nesvizhevsky
Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
who will talk about
Gravitational and Centrifugal Quantum States
of Neutrons and Anti-Hydrogen Atoms
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Tilman Esslinger
Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
who will talk about
From Synthetic Many-Body Systems to Devices
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for today's extra colloquium, HPV G4, 16:45h (Tea and Coffee at 16:15h) by
Mauro Donega
Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich
who will talk about
Is it the Higgs Boson?
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Roee Ozeri
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
who will talk about
What happens when you look at a spin?
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for the extra colloquium on Thursday, November 22th, 2012, HPV G4, 16:45h (Tea and Coffee at 16:15h) by
Mauro Donega
Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich
who will talk about
Is it the Higgs Boson?
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for the extra colloquium on Thursday, November 22th, 2012 by
Mauro Donega
Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich
who will talk about
Is it the Higgs Boson?
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Hans-Arno Synal
Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
who will talk about
Progress in Radiocarbon Detection and Related Applications
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Shep Doeleman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
who will talk about
Observing Black Holes with Schwarzschild
Radius Resolution
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Peter Hamm
Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Zurich
who will talk about
The Quest of the Structure of Water
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Millie Dresselhaus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
who will talk about
What's so Exciting About Nanocarbons?
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner