Hi all,
We are having some “issues” with CHEOPS (nothing serious but it needs our full attention right now) and therefore I will not be able to go to ETH tomorrow but I will connect for the all-hands meeting.
Most precisely:
1. Tomorrow’s afternoon meeting: We are testing new kinds of observations with CHEOPS and, as expected, we are getting data that we don’t fully understand yet. We need to prepare new observational tests before the end of the week and therefore I need to work on that very urgently.
@Philipp, Felix: would you have time to have a short zoom meeting at some point tomorrow afternoon to discuss the outcome of the simulations we talked about last week?
1. December’s busy week: I will be at ETH all the planned days for the busy week. As in the previous one, I will stay in Oerlikon overnight (already have my hotel reservation 😊). Looking forward to it!
Finally, I cannot join you for the Xmas dinner. I would have loved to! Unfortunately, it coincides with the CHEOPS Science Team Meeting.
See you online tomorrow!