[ALPS-users] mps_optim: measurement - bug?

Mateusz Łącki mateusz.lacki at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 18:17:06 CET 2017

Dear All.
I would like to report a likely bug.

I play with a simple transverse ising model for S=1/2. I  take a short chain of length say 8, compute magnetization in x and z direction. When I compute the same input with mps_optim and sparsediag i obtain different results. Both codes give me different magnetizatios in mps_optim measurement seems to be wrong by a factor.

I changed the definition of a default model  “spin” (see below), the coupling is along x axis and field is along z. I consider the following input:

LATTICE="inhomogeneous chain lattice"


MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization Xa]=Splus
MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization Xb]=Sminus
MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization X1]=Sx
MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization X2]=Sxx
MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization Z]=Sz


In the above the Sxx operator is defined exactly the same as Sx:
<SITEOPERATOR name="Sx" site="x">

but with 1/4 factor, not 1/2:
<SITEOPERATOR name="Sxx" site="x">

There are 2 runs that are important for my message:

running the above input with sparsediag gives (at any site):
Local magnetization Xa=0.5
Local magnetization Xb=0.5
Local magnetization X1=0.5
Local magnetization X2=0.25

Which makes sense, as Sx=0.5*(Jplus + Jminus)

running the above input with mps_optim gives (at any site):
Local magnetization Xa=0.5
Local magnetization Xb=0.5
Local magnetization X1=1.0
Local magnetization X2=1.0

My conclusion:
It seems that measurement ignores the factor 1/4 in the definition of Sxx and 1/2 in the definition of Sx. If it is indeed the case (not stupid mistake on my side), would it be possible to issue a patch?

If I change 
  <BONDTERM source="i" target="j">
    <PARAMETER name="J#" default="J"/>

  <BONDTERM source="i" target="j">
    <PARAMETER name="J#" default="J"/>

then I get a correct factor 4 reduction in energy. So it seems only the mesurement ignores the numerical factor.

If I exchange x-z direction in the Hamiltonian everything seems fine.

Mateusz Łącki

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