Mailing Lists

No such list first-lab-ebl2

Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the right list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

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List Description
Allams All AMS Members (Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics)
Amp-all AMP: members and non-members
Amp-board AMP: board members
Amp-event AMP: event team
Amp-event-reminder [no description available]
Amp-group-rep AMP: group contact persons
Amp-helping-hands AMP: helping hands
Amp-members AMP: members
Amp-non-members AMP: non-members
Amp-polit AMP: political representatives
Amp-pr AMP: PR team
AMSInt AMS Internal (Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics)
Amsphys AMS Physicists (Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics)
AMSSeminar AMS Seminar (Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics)
astro-alumni IFA Alumni
Astrodust Astrodust
AstroPhDs PhDs in D-Phys
AstroPostdocs Postdocs in D-Phys
Callisto Callisto news distribution channel
Causalworlds-participants [no description available]
Cmtzh All condensed matter theory in UZH/PSI/ETHZ
Comp-phys-alps-announce Announcements of new releases
Comp-phys-alps-devel General discussion on the ALPS library components and their development
Comp-phys-alps-users [no description available]
D-PHYS-Mittelbauvertreter Scientific staff representatives of D-Phys
Degenlab Mailing List of the Degen Group
Degenlabcoffee [no description available]
Desc-meeting [no description available]
Eduphys-alle Mailingliste der Gruppe Prof. Vaterlaus
Emeriti Emeritierte ETH D-PHYS Professoren
Ethz-erc-grantees [no description available]
fact-online [no description available]
Filmklub Movie evenings for D-PHYS members
First-lab-fmt FIRST Management Team
First-lab-ftt FIRST Technical Team mailing list
First-lab-project FIRST project leader mailing list
First-lab-resp FIRST Geraeteverantwortliche
Fkp-alle Festkoerperphysik
Foundations_group [no description available]
gapd-camera G-APD Cherenkov Camera
Harra-group Prof. Louise Harra's group
Hpcp [no description available]
Hyqu hyqu group mailing list
Hyqu-alumni [no description available]
Hyqu-students [no description available]
InfrainfoHPF-HPT Infos zu Abschaltungen und Problemen in der Haustechnik und Infrastruktur von HPF und HPT
Ipa-all Umbrella: Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Ipa-dorn [no description available]
Ipa-kolloquium-gaeste [no description available]
Ipa-quanz Prof. Sascha P. Quanz's group
Ipa-queloz [no description available]
Ipa-sekretariate [no description available]
Ipa-sterken [no description available]
Ipa-szulagyi [no description available]
IPP-adc IPP Group of A. de Cosa
IPP-al IPP Group of A. Lomax
IPP-All IPP all members
IPP-All-at-CERN IPP all members at CERN
IPP-All-ZH IPP all members in Zurich
IPP-as IPP Group of A. Soter
IPP-ds IPP Group of D. Sgalaberna
IPP-fpab IPP Group of F. Pauss
IPP-gd IPP Group of G. Dissertori (Zurich and Geneva)
IPP-kk IPP Group of K. Kirch
IPP-pc IPP Group of P. Crivelli
IPP-PhDs IPP PhD Students
IPP-Postdocs IPP Postdocs - Senior Scientists
IPP-rubbia IPP Group of A. Rubbia
IPP-RW-ZH IPP Group of R. Wallny (Zurich and Geneva)
IPP-technik IPP Techniker und Ingenieure
Ipt2020 IPT 2021
Ipt2023 IPT 2023
IQE-EQE Experimental Quantum Engineering Group
IQE-EQE-Students [no description available]
IQE-Faist Quantum Optoelectronics Group
Iqe-qmd [no description available]
Iqe-udg Mailing list of the Ultrafast Dynamics Group
ISG-news ISG Newsletters
ITP-admin ITP Mailing Lists Administrators
ITP-all Umbrella: All ITP Members
ITP-alumni [no description available]
ITP-anastasiou Group Anastasiou
ITP-Beisert Group Beisert
ITP-carrasquilla [no description available]
ITP-condensed-matter Umbrella: Condensed matter
ITP-current [no description available]
ITP-defenu [no description available]
ITP-demler [no description available]
ITP-gaberdiel Group Gaberdiel
ITP-graf Group Graf
ITP-heisenberg [no description available]
ITP-hoeck [no description available]
ITP-huber Umbrella: Group Huber
ITP-marinkovic [no description available]
ITP-mathematical Mathematical Physics
ITP-particle Particle Physics
ITP-profs Professors
ITP-profs-emiritiert Professors eremitiert
ITP-QIT Quantum Information Theory
ITP-quantumseminare [no description available]
ITP-Renner Group Renner
ITP-Schulthess Group Schulthess
ITP-sekretariat Secretairies
ITP-senatore [no description available]
ITP-sigrist Group Sigrist
Kitp_manybody23 [no description available]
Ladies-lunch-event [no description available]
Latsis_symposium_2022_commitee [no description available]
Lernende-phys-gesamt Alle Lernende des Departements Physik
Life-all [no description available]
LIFE-space-mission [no description available]
Life-space-mission-team1_projectoffice [no description available]
Life-space-mission-team2_science [no description available]
Life-space-mission-team3 [no description available]
Life-space-mission-wg21_epscience [no description available]
Life-space-mission-wg22_database LIFE - Target Database WG
Mbe-all [no description available]
Mentees [no description available]
Mentors [no description available]
Mrfm [no description available]
Mri-pet [no description available]
Nanoquo [no description available]
nedm-analysis [no description available]
nEDM-SFC nEDM active magnetic shield
nedm-shifters Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment
Oecdqs-workshop Out-of-equilibrium and collective dynamics of quantum many-body systems
Ong Optical Nanomaterial Group
Ong-alumni [no description available]
Ong-students [no description available]
OpticsChapter Optics Chapter Newsletter
Outer-heliosphere European outer heliosphere community
Particlestudents [no description available]
Paulicenter-announce [no description available]
Petition-project [no description available]
Phd-betriebskommission Betriebskommission D-PHYS
Phd-mitarbeiter Departementseigene Mitarbeiter
Phys-ausschuss D-PHYS Ausschuss
Phys-ausschuss-members Mitgliederliste Ausschuss
Phys-betriebsleiter Betriebsleiter:innen
Phys-dep-konf Physik Deparementskonferenz
Phys-dep-konf-assoz Departementskonferenz / assoz. Mitglieder
Phys-dl [no description available]
Phys-inst-sekr Sekretariate des D-PHYS
Phys-professoren Physik Professoren - offizielle Kommunikation
Phys-professoren-gen Physik Professoren - offene Kommunikation
Phys-sensci [no description available]
Phys-sicherheitsrat [no description available]
Phys-sk [no description available]
Phys1-assistants FS21 List for Phys2 assistants (Prof. Dissertori)
Phys1-chab-assistants [no description available]
Phys2-assistants Phys2 Assistants (Prof. Wallny)
Phys2-Assistenten Phys2 Assistants (Prof. Wallny)
Phys2-chab-assistants [no description available]
Phys3-Assistants List for Phys3 assistants
Physii-assistants [no description available]
Physik-Kolloquium The Zurich Physics Colloqium (General Subscriptions)
Physik-ZEUS Mailingliste der Uebungsgruppe Physik I/II von Prof. Vaterlaus
physlehrlinge Physiklaboranten-Lernende am D-PHYS
Planets [no description available]
PLANETZ Planet-Z Research Zurich
Prof-all D-PHYS all profs umbrella list
Prof-all-pk D-PHYS all PK profs umbrella list
Prof-ao D-PHYS ausserordentliche profs
Prof-apntt D-PHYS assistant profs non tenure track
Prof-aptt D-PHYS assistant profs tenure track
Prof-assoc D-PHYS associated profs
Prof-o D-PHYS ordentliche profs
Prof-tit D-PHYS titular profs
PSAS PSAS2024 conference organizers
PyCosmo PyCosmo user support
Pynpoint [no description available]
QCD [no description available]
Qcpsi ETH-PSI Quantum Computing Hub - Superconducting Circuits
Qip2018 QIP 1 Concepts: FS2018
Qip2assist21 [no description available]
qo-cavity quantumoptics group: cavity experiment members
qo-impact quantumoptics group: Workgroup members
qo-lattice quantumoptics group: lattice experiment members
qo-lithium quantumoptics group: lithium experiment members
Qo-students [no description available]
Qoassistfs20 [no description available]
Qpg-seminar Quantum Photonics Group (Prof. Imamoglu)
Quantum-center ETH Quantum Center
Quantum-center-public ETH Quantum Center (only external members)
Qudev-alumni QUDEV Alumni Mailinglist
Qudev-fab [no description available]
Qudev-lab Qudev Group General Mailing List
Qudev-qc Qudev Quantum Computing Mailing List
Qudev-svn Qudev Subversion Mailing List
QuSurf Qudev QuSurf Project Mailing List
Refregier-cosmo-club Refregier Cosmo Club
Refregier-group Prof. Alexandre Refregier
Refregier-students Refregier students
Sospim_science Prof. Harara: Sospim_science
Sustainability Members D-PHYS Sustainability Committee
sustainable exchanges and updates on sustainability at D-PHYS
Swiss-solar-physics Swiss-solar-physics
Teaching-experiments Group of lecture and physics lab experiments
Test Just a test list
Test-umbrella Testing an Umbrella List
Tiqi Primary mailing list for TIQI group
TIQI-Alumni [no description available]
Tiqi-application [no description available]
Tiqi-cryo [no description available]
Tiqi-equal for the people o the equal experiment in the TIQI group at ETH Zurich
Tiqi-gkp [no description available]
Tiqi-opticaltrap [no description available]
Tiqi-penning Penning group
Tiqi-rydberg Rydberg team
Tiqi-safety [no description available]
Tiqi-student-projects [no description available]
Tiqi-students [no description available]
Tiqi-wiqr [no description available]
Tiqi-zuriq [no description available]
Troyer-group-alumni [no description available]
Tstaff Techniker der Institute des D-Phys
UK-Physik Mailing List for Unterrichtskommission D-PHYS
ULP-Alumni [no description available]
Ulp-alumni-association [no description available]
ULP-Party [no description available]
VieSchedpp VieSched++ mailing list
Vp-praktikum Assistants for advanced physics praktikum
zh-hd-heisenberg [no description available]
Zurich-physics-colloquium The Zurich Physics Colloqium (Umbrella List)

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