Dear students and colleagues
With this message we wish to introduce the Zurich Physics Colloquium
in its new form. You find all information on this weekly event under
our webpage
Please spend a few minutes to study our page and extract the relevant
information; in particular, take a look at our mission statement and note our
recommendations to students (noted under `Education'), our comments to
speakers (noted under `Info for Speakers'), as well as those to the hosts
(noted under `Info for Hosts'); there you also find a link for submission of
new proposals. Members of the faculty of UniZH and ETHZ are invited to submit
proposals for speakers at any time.
The communication on the physics colloquium is organized via the `Zurich
Physics Colloquium' mailing list; you will obtain a reminder to join the
colloquium every week during the semester. All faculty members of UniZH and
ETHZ on the official faculty lists (maintained by the two physics institutes
at UniZH and the physics department at ETHZ) are on the colloquium list by
default (we appologize for last weeks mailings regarding removal of faculty
from the `Physics Kolloquium' mailing list due to reorganization of the new
list). All other are asked to subscribe via the webpage
obviously, if you receive this mail you are already in the list and no further
action is required. Please motivate your colleagues who did not obtain this
announcement to subscribe. Also, please tell the students in your class to
subscribe (you can download a poster and make some reclama).
We plan to make the Zurich Physics Colloquium an event which is worth to
attend every week --- we need your collaboration in terms of personal interest
(please attend the colloquium as often as possible) and suggestions for top
class speakers (please make sure that your suggestion fits the mission of the
We wish to thank
Etusch Szabo
Hanni Hediger
Sebastian Huber
for the many ideas and hours they have invested in this project.
Kind regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Gianni Blatter
Theoretische Physik
Schafmattstr. 32
ETH Hönggerberg
CH-8093 Zürich
office: +41 44 633 2568
home: +41 44 844 42 50