Dear all
Please note that the Lecture Hall  tomorrow December 19th and Friday December 20th is HCI G 7 and NOT HPV G4.

Apologies for the confusion!


Prof. Michel Devoret
University of California, Santa Barbara & Google Quantum


Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 17.00 h

The Physics of Information                                       

Auditorium Maximum, HG F 30,

ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zurich

Thursday, December  19, 2024, 17.00 h

Driven unwanted state transitions in superconducting quantum circuits

Lecture Hall, HCI G 7, ETH Hönggerberg,

Robert-Gnehm-Weg 15, Zurich

Friday, December  20, 2024, 16.30 h (early start!)

Error correction of a logical quantum bit beyond the break-even point

Lecture Hall, 
HCI G 7, ETH Hönggerberg,

Robert-Gnehm-Weg 15, Zurich

More information can be found here


Best Regards

The PBL-Committee