Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Andreas Bausch
Lehrstuhl für Biophysik, TU Munich, Germany
who will talk about
Cytoskeletal Patterns: Self Organization
of Driven Filaments
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Thomas Gehrmann
Michael M. Meyer
Juerg Osterwalder
Renato Renner
Dear colleagues,
In connection with the machine learning mini-school ( ) taking place at Campus Irchel UZH next week,
we will have two very interesting evening lectures:
Monday 04.02.2019 at 17:00, lecture hall Y15-G-60:
Deep learning and future challenges at HL-LHC
Jennifer Ngadiuba (CERN)
Tuesday 05.02.2019 at 17:00, lecture hall Y15-G-60:
Scaling up TensorFlow on Accelerator
Marvin Ritter (Google Brain, Zurich)
Abstract and further details can be found in the attached poster. You are very welcome to attend!
The organisers