Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Klaus Blaum
Max-Planck-Institut, Heidelberg, Germany
who will talk about
Precision Penning Trap Experiments
With Stored And Cooled Exotic Ions
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Mitchell Begelman
Jila, University of Colorado, USA
who will talk about
The First Supermassive Black Holes
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Jörg Wrachtrup
University of Stuttgart, Germany
who will talk about
Seeing the Quantum World
in a Grain of Carbon
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling
Dear students, dear colleagues
Please join us for tomorrow's colloquium by
Bernard F. Schutz
who will talk about
Gravitational Wave
Detection From Space
Please visit our web page for details.
Best regards
Gianni Blatter
Tilman Esslinger
Thomas Gehrmann
Andreas Schilling