Hi all, I have produced an outline of the (now very long) chapter 5, which is attached to this email. I wanted to have this finished earlier to give you a chance to look over it before this afternoon, but that wasn't to be. Nevertheless, please have a read through it and see if it makes sense.
I am particularly looking for feedback on the structure, the location of the talking points for the various components, and whether I have touched on everything we need to write about. I do worry a bit that the outline is 23 pages, which indicates the document itself may be on the order of 50 pages or so...
While Adrian is not able to make it this afternoon, I would still like to have a brief discussion on it if you are available. Adrian, perhaps we can have a brief discussion on it tomorrow?
Once we are happy with the structure and outline, we can split up some of the sections and I will then begin researching and writing, as there is a lot to do and not much time left! Thanks, Jonah