Dear all, Jonah and I are in the COPL room. I propose that those interested in joining the Team 3 meeting at 11:00 come to the COPL room and we join all from here. See you! Andrea
From: Sascha P. Quanz Date: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 at 07:33 To: Subject: [Life-eth-intern] LIFE busy days - final 2 days Dear all,
due to some “family situation” I will again need to work from home today - sorry about that; was not the plan. Will be back in the COPL room tomorrow. Looking at the document, I was wondering whether instead of starting with reviewing we should try another push to move some of the somewhat less ready chapters forward. Maybe a review makes most sense with a somewhat complete document (to also check for coherence and consistency - as discussed). My goal is still to put something in chapter 1 (and give chapter 2 a first read); please organize yourself for the other chapters.
As for tomorrow: I would suggest that all of us available meet at 15h in the COPL room for some debrief and outlook - the more the merrier.
Thanks Sascha
On 17 Dec 2024, at 13:46, Daniel Angerhausen wrote:
Here is the link to (a copy of) the slides:
Cheers, Daniel
On 17.12.2024 08:58, Daniel Angerhausen wrote:
Ok, sure. Then I would suggest to maybe add 10 mins to the agenda (or briefly talk 1:1 with Sascha) to bring everyone (back) up to speed wrt this exercise. The short answer is: if it was (not) in any of the answers it is (not) in this report, as I did not want to bias it with information that did not come out of this exercise. But it could be that missing items were just 4/5 on the list when I focused on the top3 or so. See you in a bit (currently stuck halfway on the tracks so it could be after 10:00), Daniel On 16.12.2024 15:58, Sascha P. Quanz wrote:
Thanks for sharing, Daniel! Very useful. I just went through your memo and - if ok - would have a few questions - apologies if some of this has been discussed previously. Also, no need to respond here - we can do this tomorrow, but I wanted to share this upfront. (1) The “Mission” / “Vision” / “Values” paragraphs: are they also a result and summary from the branding exercise? (2) I think an additional target audience could be “Industry”. (3) I do not fully understand Figure 2. Why does Policy Makers appear here, but not in the main text? Also, the What? How? Why? refers to what exactly? The mission? (4) Competitive Landscape: this point came up a few times in the past and I am still confused. In the first sentence you write "both governmental and private initiatives:” but then the list contains only Space Agency (missions). What about, e.g., “Nautilus” or Sara Seager’s Venus missions? And what about things like “SETI Institute” that also seek to attract private funding? Thanks again and I am looking forward to dive deeper tomorrow! Best Sascha
On 16 Dec 2024, at 15:06, Daniel Angerhausen wrote: Dear all, In preparation of the "Branding input" to the proposal report review I here attach a first preliminary report on the main outcomes. As discussed before, there is still a lot more (second order) content in the data and we already identified a couple of follow up activities and todos. To avoid misunderstanding and to manage expectation: we will not "finish the branding" in any way tomorrow. The purpose of the (eventually fully) developed brand is to provide a constant guidance and benchmark for the strategic positioning of the LIFE initiative. In the context of this busy week: please look at it as an offer that I am providing to give you some more tools, metrics and orientation for the internal review. Therefore I would suggest that I will give a short presentation (~15 mins plus ~15 mins discussion) tomorrow, preferably right before we start our critical feedback. My hope is that this will set the tone and provide a clear cut that helps change the mindset from writing to reviewing. Let me know what you think and see you tomorrow. Daniel --- Dr. Daniel Angerhausen Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets and Habitability Group | ETH Zurich<LIFE_brand_sprint_prelim_results.pdf>_______________________________________________ Life-eth-intern mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to _____ Prof. Sascha P. Quanz (he/him) ETH Zurich Department of Physics Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets & Habitability Group Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27 Building HIT, Office J 31.8 CH-8093 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 63 32830 _____ Due to my own family/work balance, you may receive emails from me outside of normal working hours. I do not expect a response from you outside of your own working pattern, nor do I expect an immediate response when you are working. _______________________________________________ Life-eth-intern mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to --- Dr. Daniel Angerhausen Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets and Habitability Group | ETH Zurich _______________________________________________ Life-eth-intern mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
--- Dr. Daniel Angerhausen Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets and Habitability Group | ETH Zurich
_____ Prof. Sascha P. Quanz (he/him) ETH Zurich Department of Physics Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets & Habitability Group Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27 Building HIT, Office J 31.8 CH-8093 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 63 32830 www.quanz-group.ethz.ch
_____ Due to my own family/work balance, you may receive emails from me outside of normal working hours. I do not expect a response from you outside of your own working pattern, nor do I expect an immediate response when you are working.