On 10 Mar 2025, at 09:59, Sascha P. Quanz <sascha.quanz@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:<Timeline_Announcements_LIFE_conference.docx.pdf>Dear all,please find attached a document containing(a) a draft save-the-date email to be shared with the community(b) a description of scope and motivation for the conference (to be shared in the email and to be put on the conference webpage)(c) a proposal for the timeline (also to be shared in the email and to be put on the conference webpage)Please let me know any feedback / suggestions you might have until Thursday (noon).I have also share this info with Ignasi and will also share it with the LIFE team leads.Thanks!Sascha____________________________________________________Prof. Sascha P. Quanz (he/him)ETH ZurichDepartment of PhysicsInstitute for Particle Physics and AstrophysicsExoplanets & Habitability GroupWolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27Building HIT, Office J 31.8CH-8093 ZurichSwitzerlandPhone: +41 (0)44 63 32830_____Due to my own family/work balance, you may receive emails from me outside of normal working hours. I do not expect a response from you outside of your own working pattern, nor do I expect an immediate response when you are working.
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