Dear all,
In preparation of the "Branding input" to the proposal report review I here attach a first preliminary report on the main outcomes.
As discussed before, there is still a lot more (second order) content in the data and we already identified a couple of follow up activities and todos.
To avoid misunderstanding and to manage expectation: we will not "finish the branding" in any way tomorrow. The purpose of the (eventually fully) developed brand is to provide a constant guidance and benchmark for the strategic positioning of the LIFE initiative.
In the context of this busy week: please look at it as an offer that I am providing to give you some more tools, metrics and orientation for the internal review.
Therefore I would suggest that I will give a short presentation (~15 mins plus ~15 mins discussion) tomorrow, preferably right before we start our critical feedback.
My hope is that this will set the tone and provide a clear cut that helps change the mindset from writing to reviewing.
Let me know what you think and see you tomorrow.
Daniel --- Dr. Daniel Angerhausen Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets and Habitability Group | ETH Zurich