Dr. Adrian M. Glauser
ETH Zurich
Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Wolfgang-Paulistr. 27
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Office: +41 44 632 7129
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Am 11.12.2024 um 22:23 schrieb Sascha P. Quanz <sascha.quanz@phys.ethz.ch>:
Dear all,as already mentioned to some of you, I set up another latex template for our Study Proposal that looks way more appealing and is nicer to work with.You can find it here:https://www.overleaf.com/3475577746hvkrcmbqqrbb#347966_______________________________________________I propose we continue working with this file in the coming days. Note that I already did copy/paste all the files from the old template to the new one and it seems to compile ok-ish, but there are still some minor things to fix. In particular chapters 4 and 5 appear to use some commands, which are not recognized / compatible yet. Also, I did not spend time setting it up in such a way, that all chapters can be compiled separately without having to comment out the respective files in main.tex. Maybe someone more skilled in latex can look at this?Thanks and looking forward to move this document closer to completion in the coming days!Best wishesSaschaOn 11 Dec 2024, at 19:39, Philipp A. Huber <huberph@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:_______________________________________________Dear all
This is a friendly reminder that we will start the LIFE busy days tomorrow at 10am in the COPL common room (F floor).
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Philipp A. Huber
PhD Student
Exoplanets and Habitability Group
Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Department of Physics
ETH Zurich
Life-eth-intern mailing list -- life-eth-intern@lists.phys.ethz.ch
To unsubscribe send an email to life-eth-intern-leave@lists.phys.ethz.ch_____Prof. Sascha P. Quanz (he/him)ETH ZurichDepartment of PhysicsInstitute for Particle Physics and AstrophysicsExoplanets & Habitability GroupWolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27Building HIT, Office J 31.8CH-8093 ZurichSwitzerlandPhone: +41 (0)44 63 32830_____Due to my own family/work balance, you may receive emails from me outside of normal working hours. I do not expect a response from you outside of your own working pattern, nor do I expect an immediate response when you are working.
Life-eth-intern mailing list -- life-eth-intern@lists.phys.ethz.ch
To unsubscribe send an email to life-eth-intern-leave@lists.phys.ethz.ch