Hi Philipp, I assume from Sascha's email last night that the meeting will actually be at 15h? Thanks, Jonah
Dr. Jonah T. Hansen Postdoctoral Researcher Exoplanets & Habitability Group Institute for Particle Physics & Astrophysics ETH Zurich
On 20/2/2025 8:53 am, Philipp A. Huber wrote:
Dear all
This is a friendly reminder for our LIFE@ETH meeting today followed by the first *work package review*.
Let's meet at *14h in the aquarium*.
-- *Philipp A. Huber* PhD Student
ETH Zurich Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics Exoplanets and Habitability Group HIT J 32.3 philipphuber.com https://philipphuber.com
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