Dear all,

This is a reminder of today's group seminar with Tomás Gonda, from Perimeter Institute. Starting as usual at 15:30, HIT E41.1.

Monotones in General Resource Theories

A central problem in the study of resource theories is to find functions that are non-increasing under resource conversions—termed monotones—in order to quantify resourcefulness. Various constructions of monotones appear in many different concrete resource theories. How general are these constructions? What are the necessary conditions we need in order to be able to apply them? To answer these questions, we introduce several general ways to construct monotones and show how standard constructions arise as special cases of these. These constructions also provide methods for defining new interesting monotones in any resource theory of interest.



On 08/07/2019 16:09, Joe Renes wrote:
Hi all,

As very many of us are out of town this week, it doesn't make sense to have a group meeting. 

Next week we'll hear from Tomás Gonda, who is visiting from Perimeter. Title and abstract are below and in the group calendar. 



Speaker: Tomás Gonda, Perimeter Institute
Title: Monotones in General Resource Theories
Abstract: A central problem in the study of resource theories is to find functions that are nonincreasing under resource conversions—termed monotones—in order to quantify resourcefulness. Various constructions of monotones appear in many different concrete resource theories. How general are these constructions? What are the necessary conditions we need in order to be able to apply them? To answer these questions, we introduce several general ways to construct monotones and show how standard constructions arise as special cases of these. These constructions also provide methods for defining new interesting monotones in any resource theory of interest.

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