Dear all 

Please be informed about the following QSIT Colloquium.

With best regards,
Ilona Blatter
Date:  Friday March 25, 2011
Place: ETH Science City, HPV G 5
Time: 14:45h
Host:  Atac Imamoglu

Coffee and tea after the colloquium at 15:30

Exploring new frontiers of quantum optical science
Mikhail Lukin
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

In this talk we will discuss  recent developments  involving a new scientific interface between quantum optics, many body physics, nanoscience and quantum information science. Specific examples include quantum manipulation of individual spins and photons using atom-like impurities in diamond and control of light-matter interactions using sub-wavelength localization of optical fields. Novel applications of these techniques ranging from novel approaches to quantum computation at room temperature to implementation of quantum optical networks and nanoscale magnetic sensing will be discussed.

Flyer at: