Dear all,

Join us at ETH Zurich to celebrate 50 years of the Kochen-Specker theorem with a summer school on quantum foundations and a workshop on contextuality.

Registration is now open at

Application for student support: 15th April 2017
Registration for the school and/or workshop: 31st May 2017

Summer school on quantum foundations: 18-21 June 2017

Roger Colbeck, University of York, UK – Bell inequalities
Angela Karanjai, University of Sidney, Australia – Epistemic models
Matthew Leifer, Chapman University, US – No-go theorems
Lluis Masanes, UCL, UK – Axiomatic derivations of quantum theory
Sandu Popescu, U. Bristol, UK – Quantum paradoxes
Renato Renner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland – Interpretations of quantum theory
Katja Ried, U. Innsbruck, Austria – Causality
Ana Belén Sainz, Perimeter Institute, Canada – Contextuality
Robert W. Spekkens, Perimeter Institute, Canada – Experiment for foundations

Despite there being a large community actively working on quantum foundations, and several specialized workshops for experts, there has been a lack of events directed at junior researchers entering the field, particularly in Europe. This summer school on quantum foundations comes to fill that gap, providing a solid introduction to different approaches and problems within foundations.
The school is mostly directed at PhD students and junior postdocs in quantum information and related fields who are interested on quantum foundations. Registration is also open to senior researchers and master students.

School organizers
Lídia del Rio, ETH Zurich (chair)
Markus Müller, Western University

Contextuality workshop: 22-23 June 2017

Simon Kochen, U. Princeton, USA
Alastair Abbott, Institut Néel, France
Joseba Alonso, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jürg Fröhlich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Nicolas Gisin, U. Geneva, Switzerland
Otfried Gühne, U. Siegen, Germany
Chris Fuchs*, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Mark Howard, U. Sheffield, Canada
Robert Raussendorf, U. British Columbia, Canada
Ana Belén Sainz, Perimeter Institute, Canada
Robert W. Spekkens, Perimeter Institute, Canada

The aim of this workshop is to bring together to the ETH Zurich, the place where the Kochen-Specker theorem was conceived, leading researchers in all contextuality-related fields in order to develop broader perspectives, draw connections between different approaches, stimulate collaborations, and envision objectives for future research.

Workshop organizers
Adán Cabello, U. Sevilla
Stefan Wolf, U. Svizzera Italiana

Best wishes,