Dear all

Please be informed about the following public talks at the:

Young European Scientists (YES) Meeting of the
Circuit and Cavity QED (CCQED) Initial Training Network

Public talks on Tuesday 4.6.2013

Place:   ETHZ Hönggerberg, HPZ  E35 
free coffee, soft drinks and biscuits during the day

9.00 – 9.45 :  Andreas Wallraff,  Quantum Device Lab, ETHZ
“Quantum Optics with Propagating Microwave Photons ”

10.00 – 10.45 :  Charles Adams,  Atomic and Molecular Physics group, Durham University
                     “Rydberg Quantum Optics ”

11.00 – 11.45 :  Liesbeth Venema,  Senior Editor (Physical Sciences), Nature 
                  “Measuring up:  what do Nature editors do? ”

15.30 – 17.00 :  Julia Epp,  Head of Third Party Funds and EU Office, MPQ
              “EU funding opportunities for young researchers ”

abstracts to the talks are posted on

With best regards,
Mathias Stammeier, Quantum Device Lab, ETHZ

ETH Zurich
Dr. Ilona Blatter
NCCR QSIT Coordinator
Laboratory for Solid State Physics 
HPF E 17
Schafmattstrasse 16
CH 8093 Zurich

Phone:   +41 44 633 36 06