Dear all,

This Friday, Christian (from Wallraff's group) will give an introduction to quantum chemistry with quantum computers, which may be of interest to some of you. See details below.



Quantum chemistry with quantum computers

Christian AndersenFriday, 3rd May 2019, 13:45, HPV G4.

Quantum computers are promised to be able to solve computational problems beyond what is possible with classical computers. The most well-known examples, where quantum computers are proven to give an advantage, are for breaking cryptography and for searching an unstructured database. However, the most likely algorithms to provide useful results in the near-term are those related to quantum simulation and quantum chemistry. In this talk, I will introduce the basics of quantum chemistry and discuss how a quantum computer can help solve these problems using the quantum phase estimation algorithm. Additionally, I will provide an example a recently developed algorithm, known as quantum variational eigensolver, which may be particular useful for small and intermediate-scale quantum computers that will be developed in the near future.