Dear all

Please be informed about the following QSIT Seminar.

With best regards,

Ilona Blatter


Date: Tuesday December 7, 2010

Time:   16:45 

Place:   HIT E 41.1

Host:   Renato Renner

Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons

Wolfgang Tittel

University of Calgary, Canada

The reversible transfer of quantum states of light in and out of matter constitutes an important building block for future applications of quantum communication: it allows synchronizing quantum information, and enables one to build quantum repeaters and quantum networks. Much effort has been devoted worldwide over the past years to develop memories suitable for the storage of quantum states. Of central importance to this task is the preservation of entanglement, a quantum mechanical phenomenon whose counter-intuitive properties have occupied philosophers, physicists and computer scientists since the early days of quantum physics. Here we report, for the first time, the reversible transfer of photon-photon entanglement into entanglement between a photon and collective atomic excitation in a solid-state device. Towards this end, we employ a thulium-doped lithium niobate waveguide in conjunction with a photon-echo quantum memory protocol, and increase the spectral acceptance from the current maximum of 100 MHz to 5 GHz. The entanglement-preserving nature of our storage device is assessed by comparing Bell inequality violations as well as the amount of entanglement contained in the detected photon pairs before and after the reversible transfer, showing, within statistical error, a perfect mapping process. Our integrated, broadband quantum memory complements the family of robust, integrated lithium niobate devices. It renders frequency matching of light with matter interfaces in advanced applications of quantum communication simple and constitutes an important milestone on the path towards fully quantum-enabled networks.