Hi all,

Tomorrow we will hear from Fereshte Mozafari, who is visiting from EPFL and working with Yuxiang, on "Preparing uniform quantum states using Boolean methods". See below for the abstract. We start at 2pm on zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/362994444



A quantum algorithm to solve a specific problem is often described in terms of a quantum circuit and some quantum algorithms require a specific quantum state at the beginning of the computation. Therefore, efficient quantum state preparation is an important task. The preparation of quantum states is performed by a quantum circuit consisting of Controlled-NOT (CNOT) and single-qubit gates. Known algorithms to prepare arbitrary quantum states with n qubits create quantum circuits with O(2n) runtime and CNOTs that are relatively expensive over single-qubit gates in NISQ architectures. To reduce runtime and the number of CNOTs, we simplify the problem by only considering an important family of quantum states, which are Uniform Quantum States (UQSs). We map UQSs to Boolean functions and propose a Boolean method to prepare them.  Our method simplifies the problem and enables us to apply well-understood techniques from logic synthesis.