Hi all,

Tomorrow at 2pm Jan Li will tell us about his master thesis on "Device-independent Quantum Key distribution and Nonlocality Distillation", which he did with Dr. Koon Tong Goh and Prof. Dr. Charles Ci Wen Lim at CQT and NUS in Singapore. See below for the abstract. The zoom link is https://ethz.zoom.us/j/362994444.



In this project, we have investigated the use of local wirings as described in Short et al.
[table 1 https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0508120] to revive zero keyrates of DIQKD set-ups to positive keyrates. In this project, we first considered the correlations generated by a two qubit set-up. Due to the high computational cost of considering all possible wirings, we checked for a subclass of extremal wirings if there is revival. For this model, we found that some revival was possible for some wirings and that revival could be pushed further by wiring multiple times. Next, we moved to a more realistic model, the all-photonics system as is considered in Tsujimoto et al. [https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.98.063842]. For this model however, we were not able to find any improvements and further research is needed.