Dear all

Please be informed about the following Seminar.

With best regards,
Sandra Künzel

Frank Pollmann 
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden

will talk about

Topological characterization of Quantum States

Date: Friday, November 22, 2013
Time: 11:00
Place: HIT E 41.1

Matter occurs in various phases with different properties. Usually these phases are characterized in terms of symmetry breaking. A major discovery in the 1980s was the quantum Hall effect which forms a new kind of "topological" order that cannot be understood in terms of symmetry breaking. One of the characterizing features of topological order is the presence of exotic "anyonic" excitations which can have an exchange statistics different from bosons or fermions. First, I will present methods to extract characterizing properties of topological order directly from the ground state wave-functions using infinite matrix product state methods. Second, I will discuss how so-called symmetry enriched topologically ordered phases can be characterized by calculating non-local order parameter.

sig. Sebastian Huber

QSIT Seminar

ETH Zurich
Sandra Künzel
NCCR QSIT  (Finances)
HPF E 17
8093 Zurich