Dear all

Please be informed about the following seminar.

With best regards,
Ilona Blatter

Date: Monday 13.12.2010
Time: 13:45
Place: HIT H 42
Host: Werner Wegscheider

Fabry-Perot interference and non-linear Coulomb blockaded transport in the quantum Hall regime
Bernd Rosenow
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Leipzig, Germany

Much effort has been devoted recently to the search for experimental demonstrations of the exotic quantum statistics of quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall (QH) systems. Experiments based on the QH analogue of the Fabry-Perot interferometer were predicted to show signatures of non-abelian quasiparticle statistics in the ν = 5/2 QH state. In this talk I will discuss how in interference experiments the Coulomb coupling between fully occupied lower Landau levels and the interfering edge states influences periodicities in magnetic field and gate voltage.

Supplementing the information obtained from interference experiments, the current-voltage characteristics in non-linear Coulomb-blockaded transport holds information about the many-particle excitation spectrum of the system. A peak in the differential conductance $dI/dV$ will appear whenever a proper resonance condition between the source-drain voltage and the excitations of the dot is met. The "diamond structure" that characterizes the CB out of the linear response regime could serve to identify the nature of the ν=5/2 state.

ETH Zurich
Dr. Ilona Blatter
QSIT Coordinator
Laboratory for Solid State Physics 
HPF E 13
Schafmattstrasse 16
8093 Zurich

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