I am really sorry, again a typo.

The talk by James Wootton will be at 14h00.

Best regards, 
Ilona Blatter

Date: Monday November 8, 2010
Time: 41:00
Place: HIT H 42
Host:   Atac Imamoglu

Bringing order through disorder: Localization in the toric code
James Wootton
University of Leeds, UK

Anderson localization emerges in quantum systems when randomised parameters cause the exponential suppression of motion. In this talk we will consider the localisation phenomenon in the toric code and its ability to sustain quantum information in a fault tolerant way. First we will show that, in the presence of a magnetic field, the existence of a single anyon pair destroys logical information in a time linear with the system size. However, once the disorder, inherent in any physical realisation of the code, is taken into account, it allows the tolerable density of anyons to remain finite as the localisation effect takes place. Enhancements to this effect are also considered using random lattices.

ETH Zurich
Dr. Ilona Blatter
QSIT Coordinator
Laboratory for Solid State Physics 
HPF E 13
Schafmattstrasse 16
8093 Zurich


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