Hi all,

Tomorrow we are back from the summer break with two master thesis talks (of 25 minutes each). The speakers are Ludovico Machet, who worked with Jinzhao, and Tim Möbus, who worked with David. See below for titles and abstracts. We start as usual at 1500 on zoom, at https://ethz.zoom.us/j/362994444.



++ Ludovico Machet:  "On the gravitational action and horizon entropy in Causal Set Theory”. 

Abstract: The formulation of a quantum theory of gravity has been one of the major challenges for theoretical physicists in the last century. In this framework, the Causal Set Theory (CST) approach saw recent and rapid progress with the discovery of a discrete equivalent for the Einstein-Hilbert action. In this talk, after a rapid introduction of the CST formalism, I will describe the derivation of the causal set action, illustrate its continuum limit and how it can extract geometric information from the causal set structure. I will then focus on the presence of boundary terms in the continuum limit of the action and extend the discussion to a general curved space time. I will show that the action of a causal diamond in a Riemann normal neighbor effectively localizes to the null-null joint.

I will then discuss how the information encoded in a causal set can be useful to define a kinematical gravitational entropy. I will first consider the Horizon Molecules proposal, then I will introduce the Spacetime Mutual Information concept. I will argue that the SMI follows an area law when evaluated on causal diamonds cut by causal horizons. This result is promising in the search for a quantity giving a kinematical, then dynamical, discrete entropy for causal horizons in CST.

Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.13192

++ Tim Möbus: "On Chain Rules for Quantum Rényi Divergences".

The chain rule of the Rényi divergence, in its classical form, decomposes the divergence on a multipartite system into a sum of conditional divergences with respect to certain subsystems. The aim of this master thesis is to recap the existing chain rule results for the minimal and maximal quantum Rényi divergences, compare them, and discuss the role of the regularisation. Especially, the case $\alpha=\frac{1}{2}$ is investigated and counterexamples for the minimal divergence show the non-additivity of the channel divergence and the necessity of the regularisation of the chain rule. For that purpose, we introduce semi-definite programs and prove a SDP representation for the channel divergence.