Dear all 

Please be informed about the following QSIT Seminar.

With best regards,
Ilona Blatter
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Time: 11:00
Place: HPF G 6
Host: Andreas Wallraff

Working with multipartite entanglement in real systems
Jens Siewert
Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain

In this talk I will present briefly two topics of ongoing research regarding the generation and detection of multipartite entanglement.
In the first part, I will explain an idea how multipartite entanglement could be generated in a circuit-QED system with many qubits (N > 10) and, in particular, how this entanglement could be detected and investigated systematically.
The second topic of my presentation focuses on a new method to quantify tripartite entanglement in three-qubit states.
This method is suitable to compute the so-called three-tangle for mixed states and gives exact values for a large family of states with a certain symmetry, while for all other states it yields a nontrivial lower bound.