Dear all

Please be informed about the following QSIT Colloquium.

With best regards, 
Ilona Blatter

Date: Thursday, May 7, 2015
Time: 16:15
Coffee and tea at 16:00
Place: HPV G 5
Host:  Atac Imamoglu

Nonequilibrium dynamics of fermions: 
from resonant Xray scattering in solids to ultracold atoms

Eugene Demler

Harvard University & ITS ETH Zurich 

Many new experimental techniques in condensed matter physics go beyond the paradigm of linear response measurements. I will use example of resonant Xray scattering in high Tc cuprates to demonstrate how new insights into experimental results can be gained by considering their nonequilibrium aspects. I will also discuss on-going experiments with ultracold atoms that can help address open problems of quantum dynamics of many-body fermionic systems.


ETH Zurich
Dr. Ilona Blatter
NCCR QSIT Coordinator
Laboratory for Solid State Physics , HPF E 17
Otto-Stern-Weg 1
CH 8093 Zurich

Phone:   +41 44 633 36 06