Good afternoon,

First of all, happy new year to all of you, I wish you joy and
luck and success!

This year's first seminar talk will be given by Corsin Pfister:

Tuesday, Jan. 18, 17:00 in HIT J 52 (or maybe one of the K rooms,
if available) on Hoenggerberg.

Best regards,


Tsirelson's bound in time

The mathematical descriptions of joint probability distributions of measure- 
ment outcomes occurring in quantum mechanics are very different. Two local 
measurements on different subsystems are described by observables of tensor 
product form on a common tensor Hilbert space (two-systems correlations). 
Two measurements on the same system with an intermediate dynamical evolu- 
tion are described by a state update rule, trace-preserving completely positive 
maps and observables without a tensor product form (two-times correlations). 
Two-systems correlations are restricted by Tsirelson’s bound. One might ask if 
Tsirelson’s bound can also be used to find restrictions on two-times correlations. 
This thesis partially answers this question. Tsirelson’s bound is combined 
with an extended version of the Choi-Jamiolkowski Isomorphism, the Leifer 
Isomorphism, which shows an equivalence between two-systems and two-times 
correlations. It is shown that Tsirelson’s bound, together with the Leifer Iso- 
morphism, implies a tight bound on the average success probability of a special 
type of (2, 1, p)-Random Access Codings (RACs). RACs can be realised using 
two-systems correlations as well as two-times correlations, which allows a com- 
parison of the two cases. An attempt to interpret the analogue of the locality 
condition in the case of two-times correlations is made. It is found that two- 
times correlations used to realise this special type of (2, 1, p)-RAC cannot be 
used to communicate, as is the case for two-systems correlations.
