Hi again,

unfortunately our usual meeting room is booked next week, so
1. Prof. Matthias Troyer's talk will take place at 15:30 Tuesday in HIT J53, and
2. Emilio Onorati's master's thesis presentation will take place at 14:00 Wednesday in HCI J3 (giant chemistry building, I think).

Bring your friends for the latter --- there are 178 seats!

All the above details can be found on the calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=acrsgi48mfnbcj65352healc0g%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin



On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Joe Renes <joerenes@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

next week we'll pre-empt the usual group meeting to hear from Prof. Troyer regarding his recent work on the D-Wave device. The talk will start at 15:30 in E41.1 and last for about an hour.

Our originally scheduled talk, a Master's thesis presentation by Emilio Onorati, has been moved to Wednesday at 2pm. Location details to follow, but hopefully E41.1.

We'll pick up the arxiv review the following week.

