
The time and location of the seminar talk next Tuesday have been changed as follows.
(The reason is an Inaugural Lecture at 17:15 in Audimax.)
* Tuesday, April 5, 15:30, CAB H 53. * 

Best regards,

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Seminar Talk by Philippe Faist
Datum: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 10:59:02 +0200
Von: Stefan Wolf <wolf@inf.ethz.ch>
An: <itp-quantumseminare@phys.ethz.ch>, Philippe Faist <pfaist@student.ethz.ch>


Next week's seminar talk will be by Philippe Faist, who will talk
about his M.Sc. work in Renato's group:

Tuesday, April 5, 17:00, HIT J 51.

Best regards,


Title: Thermodynamic State Preparation

We analyze the work costs of processes that prepare arbitrary given states on
quantum systems using a heat bath. We use an effective model approach where
specific elementary operations are postulated, namely the application of an
arbitrary unitary, the thermalization with a heat bath, and the adiabatic
raising or lowering of individual energy levels of the Hamiltonian. Several
explicit processes are analyzed, all of which exhibit a work cost structure
with a cost term corresponding to the erasure of the initial system, as given
by Landauer’s principle, and an extracted work term related to the preparation
of the final state. We then consider a second system, a memory, that we want to
correlate with the system in the preparation of a joint state. A `brutal'
approach performs optimally in the i.i.d. limit, exactly compensating the work
cost of the erasure process proposed in [del Rio, L. et al., arXiv:1009.1630,
2010] and thus proving both processes’ optimality in this regime. In the
single-shot scenario, the work cost is given by the conditional min entropy
under the assumption that the memory only contains information about the
system to be prepared. In general, correlations between the memory and other
systems cannot be preserved.


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