Dear all

Please be informed about the following two QSIT/QC2 Seminars.

With best regards,
Ilona Blatter

Date: Thursday June 7, 2012
Place: University of Basel, Physics Department, Room 4.1, 4th floor
Time: 11:15
Host: Dominik Zumbühl

Tunable Electron Many-Body Physics with Single and Paired Localized States in Quantum Point Contacts
Caspar van der Wal
University of Groningen, The Netherlands



Date:  Thursday June 7, 2012
Place: University of Basel, Physics Department, Room 2.04
Time: 14:00
Host: Patrick Maletinsky

Imaging magnetic structures at the nanoscale with a single NV spin scanning probe magnetometer
Loic Rondin
LPQM ENS Cachan, France



ETH Zurich
Dr. Ilona Blatter
NCCR QSIT Coordinator
Laboratory for Solid State Physics 
HPF E 17
Schafmattstrasse 16
8093 Zurich

Phone:   +41 44 633 36 06